1. Using a student chromebook, click on the HSD Links bookmark icon and select Aeries 

  1. Or using a student Chromebook navigate to your Clever portal and choose the Aeries icon

  1. From the Hollister Aeries Portal page, click on Parent/Student Portal

  1. From the district login page, enter student email address (ex. #####@hesd.org) and click Next

  1. Click on the Sign in with Google option which will take you to the Google Authentication page 

***(Students will only need to do this once when logging in for the first time. After the initial Google Authentication, they will only need to click on Sign in with Google and not need to enter their Google Password)

  1. On the Google Authentication page, enter your school email, click Next, then enter your Google password and click Next again

  1. After the Google Authentication is completed, students may now see their options in the Student Portal (Attendance, Grades, Test Scores)